Wednesday, September 15, 2010

MS5169 VER:4.0 Computer refuse to boot.?

Full system specs:

AMD K6 - 300mhz

3x 64mb PC100 RAM - 192mb

Some AGP graphics VGA

3x IDE complex drives.

1st channel = Mobo-HDD(C)-HDD

2nd channel= Mobo-HDD-CDROM

I have a problem with it showing nil on screen and it give two beeps, short interruption, and then eight more beep. After 20 seconds it give two further beeps, short time away with one hoot after.

All 3 lights on the keyboard wispy when it's first powered on, but other than that and the jingle of the thing as a unharmed, there is no indication of natural life.

Is it a dead motherboard? It used to work fine until I tried to add on two additional sturdy drives to it, but now it won't boot whatever's plugged surrounded by.

I have cleared the BIOS/CMOS beside no luck...

What should I try next?



MS5169 VER:4.0 Computer refuse to boot.?

Jack, The same entry happened to me when I open up my computer to add a wireless card. When I took it to 3 different It they told me the mother bord be fried and that possible reasons could be that the trial device fried it, or static did when I opend it up. To me it seems that you also have the same bleak luck. however, The same thing also happen to another computer of mine (this has happen 2x to me) and by removing the new hardware, it worked wonderful.

try removing the new tough ware and good luck, if it does not work, sorry for your loss.

The answers post by the user, for information singular, does not guarantee the right.

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