Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Need minister to near that damn workstation?

i hold lost all the CDs that come with my laptop when i bought it and most of my programs that i was gonna use , i vanished them on my disk , then my 3 antediluvian daughter decided to ornament them to make them pretty...lol.

i didnt know what to do but i be really angry .

so now i dont own any programs including the win xp , but that's easy , i can find it.

i own tried to format the hard as some one told me by going to my computer and clicking on conduct operations, the order format be there but i cant click it , i tight it dosnt highlight when u click on it.

any passageway , can i get the separator programs of the net for free?

Need minister to near that damn workstation?

You can't format a system divider in window, that is the screen that the OS is on. If you want to format the drive you will need the re-install compact disc, XP, recovery disk, etc.
you cant format or delete the system volume while it's surrounded by use. if you are trying to reinstall windows xp, in attendance are partition tools that are available within the 1st steps of the install. it will allow you to reformat the system partion (usually c:) before you reinstall window. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE BACKED UP YOUR DATA as it will be very frozen, or nigh on impossible to get it support after you have done this. If you want to elaborite on what it is that you are trying to do rather further your welcome to email me, and i will assist where on earth possible.

go to www.9down.com, and rummage through for Hiren boot . The newest magazine is 9.1.

It's an ISO file, u can burn it to a disc, and boot with it. There are tons tools in this ISO database.

Good luck

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