Friday, September 17, 2010

My computer say that it doesn't have/is missing an audio device, but it have speakers...?

when I try to play something near sound it say that it cant play because the required audio hardware cannot be found on the computer or that it has detected a problem beside the audio configuration and that the audio/video playback may not rok properly. Is there any process I can fix this? Its been approaching this for awhile. We even got untried speakers but they dont play sound. Do I enjoy to get a soundcard or something? If I own to buy something to get the computer to play nouns, what should I buy and how much is it? Any help would be greatly appreciated...

My computer say that it doesn't have/is missing an audio device, but it have speakers...?

Yes you own to have a nouns card. First right click my computer, click properties, hardware, device manager, and put together sure there are no wan marks, or red x's on anything within the list. If at hand is, then you enjoy a different issue, but may not need a trial sound card.

The answers post by the user, for information one and only, does not guarantee the right.

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