The symtoms When i play song it give me a message i.e. about resembling this . Your Computer doesn't detect any sound device or speaker for playing this nouns clips . Why did this happen ??? i didn't uninstall it certainly ..I go for checking that device as Found New Hardware but it come across working properly ( provided that i have upgrade my Windows Media Player to ver 11 in advance before this happen)..
Pros aid me pls is that a problem on my computer or ...that hardware . Teach me how to solve this prob pls. :)
My workstation speaker get trouble , i doesn't work...!?
your sound card may be corrupted..this can be uncomplicated to fix. just hail as the warranty service on your computer, and they can walk you step by step on troubleshooting.i have the exact same problem, and it worked for me..and it was FREE.
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