Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Need aid finding a up to date Hard Drive?

Does anybody know where on earth to find a 200-250GB hard drive? ...price extent between $50 - $75 ...I found 2 hard drives on Newegg.com but the reviews on them hold on to saying the drives crash or grasp really hot.They were Western Digital drives...SO if you could consent to me know what brand or place to buy them from...Also I wanted to know if my motherboard supports Sata Drives?..I use IDE cable right now but on my motherboard near are 4 orange slots that vote Sata1 Sata 2 Sata3 Sata4 .thanx in credit,...

Need aid finding a up to date Hard Drive?


I know its a bit more than you want to spend. This is an OEM, so all you go and get is the drive. You will need the power connector, which your PC should enjoy. You will also need the SATA cable. I am not sure if you enjoy that. I am going to buy one of these soon.

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