Friday, September 17, 2010

My computer is workin fine but my speakers are crazy! I don't know what is the event. I obligation proposal.?

They merely started doing this today. I think i bust my speakers . Because i be wacthing this video and it was incredibly loud. Help!!!!!

My computer is workin fine but my speakers are crazy! I don't know what is the event. I obligation proposal.?

the basic steps on troubleshooting are envision, verbs and define, isolate and resolve,

I would suggest you to unplugg the speakers engineer sure no wire is trapped free from environmental rumpus, plugged them back if they use a driver reinstall it and download the hottest, do a system restore, try the same speakers contained by a diff computer
You can control the volume from three places: the software that's playing the video itself, the volume control on windows (right beside the clock), and the speakers themselves...



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- CoolDragon )O(

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