Friday, September 17, 2010

My computer starts but I achieve no video, how do I know if it is booting up?

I just now tried to install a new stick of push. The computer then wouldnt start up. I later took the new stick out, and my computer will not start. All fan start up but I do not get any video. I also do not hear blast codes.

My computer starts but I achieve no video, how do I know if it is booting up?

discounting the bios (rather cmos) battery,

rest of above answer is correct !

put the prehistoric ram stick contained by earlier slot, ditto & re-try

strike issue... i smell this

once booted, do not disturb this configuration

put in exotic stick in the free slot & re-check

trial & error should update you > bad stick / bleak slot !
The bios battery may be intermittent. ( when you changed the hit ) Press it or replace it.

Check up you the display adapter plug-in module.

As soon as you start if nothing appears on the eyeshade or the Keyboard lights do not come up or no beeps, it is bios problem.

Para two : Disconnect the information cable from Monitor . You should get a white peak.

The Hard disk light will flicker if computer is booting up.

Check the Ram board is correctly inserted , and the trial ram board you tried is matching type.

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