Friday, September 17, 2010

MY DxDiag say that my processor model is unknown. Is this desperate?

This is not necessarily a enactment issue (My computer runs fine) but just close to everybody I want it to run at peak speed.

here is what it say

I have the mandatory drivers installed. (I hope.) If you think it is a driver problem, communicate me where i can run a picture and show it to check. Thank you

MY DxDiag say that my processor model is unknown. Is this desperate?

Little strange for windows xp not to show the cpu correctly, but it wouldn't be an issue, merely odd. You can try running window update, some updates do clear that up, but even if it doesn't it should affect anything. As long as the computer is working fine, no need to fix..

The answers post by the user, for information simply, does not guarantee the right.

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